Tool Box
Agreement Name
Asset Management Services
Agreement Number
Current Expiry Date
Extension Options Remaining
None Available
Category Manager
Nicole Windley
Category Manager - Phone
0427 811 683
Category Manager - Email

This LB280 arrangement provides purchasers in Queensland, Northern Territory and Tasmania with access to a wide range of pre-qualified suppliers.  The streamlined procurement processes save time and money by allowing purchasers to manage their individual requirements and obtain competitive pricing, through a select Request for Quote, rather than an open tender for any value.

The range of products and services offered under this arrangement are indicative of, but not limited to:

Asset Valuation & Financial Services

•Asset costing; • Asset valuation; • Asset renewal, sustainability and other ratios; • Capitalisation; • Cost / benefit analysis ; • Economic analysis; • Financial statements and reporting; • Financial models & funding needs; • Investment strategies; • Greenhouse gas accounting;• Valuation and depreciation methodology and assumptions; • Additional asset valuation and financial services as required by Purchaser(s)

Strategic Asset Management (SAM) - Relates to long term asset planning and development/review of:

• Asset hierarchies;• Asset management plans; • Asset registers and numbering;• Business plans;• Criticality assessment; • Communication plans;• Community consultation and needs assessment;• Competency framework;• Future scanning;• Gap analysis and risk assessment; • ISO compliance / accreditation / technical standards / legislation; • Implementation strategies; • Performance assessment and benchmarking; • Whole of life costings and comparisons

Tactical Asset Management (TAM) - Relates to medium to long term usage, performance and review of assets:

• Condition assessment (various levels); • Custom agreements / contracts;• Deterioration models;• Failure models;• Feasibility studies; • Maintenance review/audits

Operational Asset Management (OAM) - Relates to viable, practical delivery and operation of assets:

• Asset inspection, condition assessment & monitoring; • Asset refurbishment;• Asset decommissioning & disposal; • Energy use optimisation;• Remote or aerial asset inspection (unmanned aerial vehicles / drones etc; • Operation and maintenance manuals

Asset Management Digital Services

•Asset information modelling• Asset data mining;• Customisation of Purchaser’s existing asset management software; • Dashboard development from live data;• Data capture and information modelling services; • Data conversion services; • Spatial data standards

Participating States

  • Queensland
  • Northern Territory


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