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The National Procurement Network (NPN) is an alliance of all the State and Territory Local Government Association procurement entities across Australia.

The collective aims to coordinate a combine tendering approach to:

  • leverage the buying power of the national Australian Local Government sector, and
  • deliver cost adn time savings to member councils.

The National Procurement Network (NPN) functions as an informal, non-registered group operating under a Memorandum of Understanding. Its primary objective is to unite and streamline the tendering process, leveraging the collective purchasing influence of the entire Australian Local Government sector. By collaborating effectively, the NPN enhances procurement efficiency and maximizes cost savings for local government initiatives.

In the NPN procurement process, the winning tenderer/s engage directly with individual State entities, each adhering to the same contract conditions. Specifically in Queensland, if a council uses an NPN contract, Local Buy serves as the Principal to the contract. Other NPN members play no role in the final contract in QLD. Local Buy has meticulously tailored the process to meet the unique requirements of QLD councils and meets Local Government legislative requirements. 

The NPN comprises the following member organisations and their relevant business units:

Common questions about the NPN

  • During the procurement process, one State entity assumes the role of project manager, with representation from each participating State on the tender panel. In QLD, Local Buy is responsible for awarding contracts and ensuring a streamlined process.

    Members have the flexibility to advertise collectively for goods/services but aren't obliged to enter contracts unless they choose to do so. Project contracts are customised to meet the participating entities' needs, often using a common contract document. The NPN designates individual representatives to evaluate tenders. In QLD, Local Buy assesses the tenders, presenting a detailed report to its Directors. Local Buy then independently enters contracts with successful panel members in line with its Prescription. Other State entities are not party to LGP’s contracts.