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Written  by Emma Peters, Senior Manager Stakeholder Engagement – Local Buy

With Queensland Local Government Elections scheduled to take place on Saturday 16th March 2024 Local Buy would like to remind council staff whom are involved with purchasing and procurement that Council will be entering into caretaker mode on the day when the Electoral Commission of Queensland publishes the public notice about holding the election. The Caretaker period applies until the end of the election.


Once Council is officially in caretaker mode (which commences from the day the public notice of the election is given) you will be unable to perform the following important procurement functions:

  • to enter into a contract greater than $200,000 or 1% (whichever is greater) of the local government’s net rate and utility charges (as stated in the local government’s audited financial statements included in the local government’s most recently adopted annual report)
  • significant procurement activities, such as establishing preferred supplier arrangements, or establishing exceptions to obtaining quotes or tenders when entering into a contract (although council can still use pre-existing Local Buy LGA Arrangements or their existing preferred/pre-qualified panels to procure goods and services, provided they are not entering into a contract greater than $200,000)

Local Buy encourages council officers to carefully consider the timing of significant procurement activities and plan accordingly.

Well planned procurement activities, which gives suppliers adequate time to respond to your requests for quotation are more likely to result in successful purchasing.

We are fast approaching the festive season, a time in which suppliers are already very busy completing projects prior to shut-down. If there is anything your Local Buy Engagement Managers, Emma or Jeremy can do to assist you, please do not hesitate to reach out.

For further information on the ramifications of Caretaker Period please refer to the State Government Advice CARETAKER PERIOD FACTSHEET


Emma Peters 150x150 Jeremy Walker 150x150

Senior Manager Stakeholder Engagement

M  0407 796 858

Senior Engagement Manager

M  0457 376 368

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